Monday, June 7, 2021

The Minor Questions that matter

Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon - Paul Brandt 

Have you ever wondered what's beyond the blue wrapping of the sky ? Is it really a wrapping ? The colour of the wrapping - blue - is it really blue or is it blue only to our eyes ? The twinkling stars that dance during the nighttime - do they really twinkle? How happy were we when the fair lady somewhere on the blue wrapping followed us back as we ran and those childish moments where we shouted with awe, with those tiny teeth (toothless, actually) not knowing the real reason behind it.  

The fireballs with a long tail that came racing and suffocating to somehow reach the surface of the Earth before its dies out burning itself to death. Do you know? They were actually stones - quite big - floating in the space some where high above the blue wrapping but as it came below the wrapping it caught fire. Stone's on fire, hah? So why does it catch fire and sacrifice itself before reaching down? Is it some mystical force or is there some science behind it?

The creator and sustainer of life on Earth - the Sun (as portrayed in many religions). Is it a GOD or actually a star? As we ask, a question arises, what's a star and  how is it made ? Can we make a star? 

A warm and welcoming home - the Earth , a big sphere( not a perfect sphere) that floats with certain speed around the Sun. (What , are we floating1?) What path does it follow- is it circular or more like around the egg .(Around the egg in 365 days ) We know that Earth's a planet and there are eight known planets (Bye Bye Pluto) in our Solar System. So, what is it and what's beyond the our Solar System? Where are we and what's our actually address? How aged are we and what are we really made of ? 

Oh, now a lot of questions arise colliding with each other like the atoms in the hot zone but how we be is like a tortoise and unravel the questions one by one and find answers to it in the coming days. We have lot time, do we?

Stay tuned to not miss a single unraveling and to have a great fun during the journey. 

Post your comments below.

With the quest to unravel,

Brundha K


  1. We are Awaiting for your answers

  2. Wowwwww buddy...waiting for ur answers,u intersting writer😍

  3. That's brilliant! Well written

  4. Hey Fabulous!! Astronomy is always interesting and exciting thing. I am so happy to read this blog. Waiting for the next one and one more thing do research on time travelling :)


Stone's on Fire

        Fireballs with a long tail that passes the night sky has always been an wonderful sight to watch. During ancient , many myths were p...