Monday, July 12, 2021

The Left-Outs

                       It's so cold out there. So cold that everything's frozen. Dark and Wild. Carefree and Leisurely.  Icy and freezy. Not much sunlight left to light the space but quite an amount of gravity's left to attract and make things go around it. Things are slow. It takes about millions of years for the objects to go around the Sun once. As there's not much gravity, they don't clump together to form big planets. They are small and only range from few kilometers to few million kilometers wide. You could not expect a perfect shape from them. They are in whatever shape they like. Maybe, we can say. they are the making of their own! 

               Out there, there are more number of objects in millions or trillions- small asteroids to small planets - we are not sure about it. If you start your journey from the Sun to about a distance of  about 4.5 billion kilometers, you would reach the region after Neptune - the last known planet in our Solar System surrounded by many such objects in the shape of a donut - it's called the Kupier Belt and the objects are made of mostly ice and dust. It's in form of the a ring surrounding Neptune. Even Pluto belongs to this region but it's not a planet anymore. So let's leave it aside for some time.

Kupier Belt 
Photo Credit: NASA

           Even more far away, beyond the Kupier Belt, there is a region called Oort Cloud. To explain how it is, let me bring an analogy here. Our Earth is surrounded by so many satellites sent by us for our own use. They leave out a lot of debris when affected by sun's radiation and cosmic rays. They form up a shell around the Earth due to it's gravity. Likewise, there is a region out there, that is if you begin now, approximately after three years, if you travel in the speed of light, you would reach that region and could be able to witness it yourself. A region that is like the shell of our Solar system composed of debris that might be the remains of the formation of the Solar System. 


Oort Cloud
Oort Cloud
Photo Credit:

                The existence of the Oort Cloud is still theoretical and unproven but they are believed to be the source of most fascinating object that we see during the night time, glowing and spewing out a lot of gas on the sky. What is the fascinating object and to know more on it, stay tuned for next update. 




Stone's on Fire

        Fireballs with a long tail that passes the night sky has always been an wonderful sight to watch. During ancient , many myths were p...